
Kanabec County

Under limited supervision, the Highway Accountant performs difficult technical accounting activities of the County Public Works Department and related work as required. The Highway Accountant requires an extensive understanding of the cost accounting system along with related systems used in the county at large. The related systems may include the county financial, payroll, fixed asset, asset management, and fuel system. Knowledge of reporting requirements of the various state agencies is vital in this position. This employee plans and organizes work based on deadlines, procedures and standards. This position provides technical expertise and information to others in highway and county finance. The Highway Accountant resolves most problems using theoretical principles and concepts of a specialized field as well as knowledge of and impact on the departments programs. This position requires a high level of accuracy and attention to detail. 65% Governmental Accounting, Cost Accounting, Grant Accounting and Budgetary Accounting 1. Maintains Highway Department finances on computer software including a system for revenues and expenditures. 2. Maintains infrastructure record for Auditor. 3. Prepares periodic Fiscal reports. 4. Maintains state allotment records. 5. Maintains records and submits reports on department fuel consumption. 6. Assists in the preparation of the annual budget. 7. Furnishes information to various county departments and other agencies concerning department financial matters. 8. Verifies invoices and bills prior to coding purchases for payment. 9. Prepares annual reports which detail yearly activities for submission to the County Board, MN/DOT and state auditors. 10. Prepares FHWA reports for MnDOT compilation to Federal Government. 11. Records and maintains monthly expenditures for submission to the County Board. 12. Prepares billings to other departments and to customers. 13. Maintains accounts receivable records for other departments and customers. 14. Develops and maintains cost accounting data using daily time records, invoices and receipts; allocating expenses to various roads and funding sources on the computer system. 15. Assists Engineering Technicians with construction data. 16. Documents work performed and materials used to accurately reflect work completed by various funding sources and road systems for reimbursement of funds. 17. Manages fixed asset record and tracking. 18. Prepares and reports tax payments. 19. Processes cash receipts. 20. Documents contract progress and processes contract payments by proper funding sources. 21. Processes monthly and annual reconciliations and reports. 22. Manages inventory quantities purchased and withdrawn, adjust costs as purchases made. 23. Prepares monthly sales tax information. 24. Prepares monthly diesel fuel tax return. 25% Payroll 25. Processes and maintains payroll for each employee on the computer system. 26. Maintains benefit, sick leave, vacation and contract information on all departmental personnel. Submits reports to Department Head, Maintenance Superintendent, and County Auditor/Treasurer. 27. Verifies that wages and benefits are in compliance with current union agreements. 28. Verifies that employee has PTO or other benefit hours available and that it is coded on the time sheet as taken. 29. Enters and posts timesheet information and import from timesheet software. 30. Review the warrant register from the county payroll system to verify all employee records have been processed. 10% General 31. Performs the above and other related duties as needed in a safe and efficient manner. 32. Performs drivers license renewals, new applications, general questions requiring knowledge of drivers license system, laws regulating issuance, screen data privacy issues. 33. Answer questions from public, vendors, and contractors. 34. Communicate public concerns and information from public to the appropriate highway department or other county personnel. 35. Other duties as assigned. DEADLINE: Open until filled

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